Netflix bug: Updating payment method
Posted: 28 Jul 2022, 20:27pm - ThursdayI registered my Netflix in New Zealand. So, credit card and mobile number will be NZ. Now, I moved to Australia. I need to update the information. So, I updated my mobile number to Australia. But then, when I update my credit card, it's asking for confirmation code but the form is in NZ! Then keep saying "Something went wrong!" Of course because your form is wrong. Because your form is using NZ form for the mobile confirmation. So dumb!

Don't get me wrong! Both countries have confusing flags. But I do know the difference between the flags. :) Back to the topic. Now, how can update my credit card?
So I contacted Live Chat and their recommendation, deactivate my account! Nice!
Now I have to wait until 27 August 2022 so I can update my credit card. Great! Best system!
FaceApp, TikTok & COVID19 Vaccine
Posted: 13 Aug 2020, 4:48am - ThursdayWhy is it western countries always try to nail down China and Russia?
When FaceApp become popular, Western countries then said its security concern. Russian government will steal your information etc.
When TikTok become popular, Western countries then said its security concern. The Chinese government will steal your information etc.
Yet google, facebook, instagram, twitter have all the information and CIA been mining the data for their own gain and nobody complains.
Now Russia have the COVID19 first vaccine, been all over the news that's it's not safe and so on. Why don't other countries help Russia instead?
Why can't we help each other? Is power and money always control us or our civilation?
Railway Hotel in Palmerston North, New Zeleand
Posted: 2 Feb 2013, 2:08am - SaturdayBayan ko walang pag-asa...
Posted: 21 Apr 2010, 21:55pm - WednesdayNo hay palabra de honor
Posted: 23 Jan 2010, 9:05am - Saturday
insult to Filipinos from Mr. Art Bell
Posted: 17 Apr 2008, 21:44pm - ThursdayThat the personal physician of former U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton is Eleanor 'Connie' Concepcion Mariano, a Filipina doctor who was the youngest captain in the US Navy. A Filipino writer Jose Rizal could read and write at age 2, and grew up to speak more than 20 languages, including Latin,Greek, German, French and Chinese. Or that a Filipino genius was responsible for the near hiatus in the PENTAGON and White HOuse nearly infiltrating their closely guarded secrets with the 'ILOVEYOU' bug. Nuisance maybe, but still one heck of a 'beautiful mind'...not to be underestimated.The list goes on and on, but who cares right? Certainly not Mr. Art Bell...Boy, I'm not surprised. Perhaps Art Bell does not know that although we consider ourselves ASIAN because we are strategically located in the Southeast asian region of which our nearest neighbors are Malays, ASIA does not mean only Chinese and Japanese race of people. Then maybe it is his connotation that 'Asia' meant only our economically successful, paler brothers and he considers Malays such as Thais, Malaysians, Indonesians, and ourselves as a ' Third World ' race. Then it is 'his' ignonimity that would make a civilized person of whatever race puke. Imagine literally connecting Chinese, Koreans and Japanese to the Philippine Islands which is archipelagos away from the countries he has mentioned. I also wonder where he got the impression that we aspire to be Japanese(???) Hispanics maybe but not the Japanese. But even Hispanics today do not mind sharing their 'surnames' to their Asian brothers who they have colonized for 3 centuries. Another sad reality that although most Filipinos working overseas are domestic helpers and prostitutes, who does he think educates the toddlers of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Tokyo? Parents of these countries rarely have time spent with their children, leaving them to their Filipino nannies. And with regards to prostitution. Filipinos are not the only ones working as one. I HARDLY SEE FILIPINOS STARRING IN PORN MOVIES. THERE MIGHT BE A FEW FILIPINOS WE HAVEN'T SEEN , BUT MOST ARE FROM MR. ART BELL'S RACE. He also mentioned that we have no concept of culture..no concept of asian ideas or asian philosophy. How can we demonstrate Confucianism or Taoism in a Christian nation? IS HE INFORMED THAT THE PHILIPPINES IS THE ONLY PREDOMINANTLY CHRISTIAN/CATHOLIC NATION IN ASIA ?! YOU HAVE TO USE COMMON SENSE IN A LOT OF THINGS SOMETIMES... We do not need to create an identity for ourselves. We are who we are. Our identity stems from the anonymity we live in this world. How we contribute silent ly towards the progress of the world and not just one country. Although the Filipino blood may be tainted with malice, corruption, poverty and prostitution, it is not a perfect race... But so are the others. Maybe Mr. Art Bell needs to think about this. WE MAY NOT BE PERFECT MR. BELL BUT AT LEAST WE STILL HAVE VALUES. FOR ONE THING WE DONT PUT OUR AGING PARENTS IN NURSING HOMES BECAUSE 'THEY'RE SIMPLY OLD AND WORTHLESS'. WE DONT HAVE AS MUCH NUMBERS OF SINGLE MOTHERS WHO GET PREGNANT IN THEIR VERY EARLY TEENS AND EVENTUALLY BECOME PARASITES OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR YEARS AND YEARS. YES...WE CAME TO YOUR COUNTRY TO WORK, TO EARN DECENT MONEY (HALF OF WHICH BY THE WAY GOES TO TAXES BECAUSE THERE'S SO MANY SOCIAL PARASITES FROM YOUR RACE).AND BY THE WAY, MOST EDUCATED PEOPLE THAT I WORK WITH DONT COME FROM YOUR RACE... THEY'RE ACTUALLY IMMIGRANTS TOO. AND THOSE EDUCATED ONES DO NOT ACT LIKE YOU DO, PERHAPS BECAUSE THEY'VE REALLY BEEN WELL EDUCATED..AFTER ALL THAT'S SAID... WHO IS THE IGNORANT ONCE AGAIN?! - May Munoz
Corruption in the Philippines: How to eliminate!
Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 22:57pm - WednesdayJohn shared this video to me:
This is one of the reason I left from the Philippines. I would say, ALL government officials are corrupt. The future is so dark to become first world country category. Marcos did it but then the corrupt senators put him down and until now Philippines is crawling to poverty.
PH should have tougher punishment or laws, to eliminate these politicians or government officials, PH should execute corrupt people.
Should create a law of the following:
- Firing squad execution for severe corruption (over 5 million pesos)
- Minor corruption, imprisonment for life (between 1 and 5 million pesos)
- Any corrupt or have records cannot run or sit to any government position/role
- if the officer caught in corruption, all the family members and 1st degree of the family should be remove from office (if any) and cannot run or sit to any position/role in government
I bet if this will be the law, Philippines will improve significantly. If human rights bump in, come on! Philippines is over populated. Eradicating few evil people is good for the many.
I believe Duterte is trying to lift Philippines, but all the officials surrounds him are just all evil greed and corrupt.
PH: Message to the World!
Posted: 25 Aug 2016, 21:26pm - ThursdayDUMP/JUNK/TRASH SOPA/PROTECT-IP
Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 3:12am - ThursdayConspiracy Theory: Earthquake, Tidal Waves and other Natural Disaster
Posted: 3 Mar 2010, 10:44am - WednesdayAttacks in Mindanao
Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 8:30am - Friday
- Bombing of Maria Christina Bridge in Iligan City (April 20, 2009) - It seems the election is so near, all bombs away where the money comes. I think 64M has been released for the repair. And many months later from the released date, there no repair happened. Again, its a play to get the money from above.
- Bombing of Sabayle Street, Iligan City (July 6, 2009 -- includes also other places in Mindanao) - I think it all about the charter change. Since they want to change the constitution, they want to declare martial law by using the terrorist act and somehow, they were the terrorist.
Never fly with Jetstar!
Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 23:36pm - ThursdayI booked a flight with Jetstar recently worth $700+. Covid19 hit in Auckland and lockdown to level 3. Jetstar announced that all flights are cancelled. So I ask for refund, they only refund as voucher with a one year expiration. But I rarely fly? Why can't I get my money back!!?
They been air by FairGo but still they insist that they can only give voucher.
I find their resolution bullshit! So don't fly with Jetstar! Lame service! Better fly with Air New Zealand.
Being Human (TV Series)
Posted: 21 Sep 2013, 5:19am - Saturday
[REPOST] 7 Ways To Fail When Outsourcing To The Philippines by John Jonas
Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 15:57pm - FridayWhen it comes to outsourcing your business (or yourself!) to the Philippines, there’s definitely a learning curve. Here are 7 ways you can guarantee failure for yourself : (Hint: Don’t do these things!)
1. Try To Hire Someone To Do Everything
Here’s an actual email I got this week
2. Hire A Project Manager
Filipinos don’t know how to run your business for you. Don’t try to hire a project manager first along with 6 others, and expect that “project manager” to manage those other 6 and get things done. They don’t know how. YES! They’re very capable of being project managers, but very rarely will you find someone who has been involved in enough internet business that you can just turn a project over to them and have them manage other people for you. Eventually…yes! After you’ve trained them and they’ve seen how the business is supposed to work.3. Hire Someone And Ignore Them
You have to train the person you hire. They don’t know how to run your super-niche internet marketing business. Don’t expect to hire someone and just let them go do everything themselves. Expect to spend some time working with them.4. Ask Someone To Do Work Before You Offer Them A Job
This is my favorite. I get an email that saysCan you please tell me why I can’t successfully hire someone, they all keep disappearing. Here’s the email I send them: I want you to start by doing a trial task. Write 20 articles, submit them to article directories, do a bunch of directory submissions for me, build me a website and write all the content for it. Then, I’ll evaluate your work and see if it’s going to work out.hahahahaha. Yeah right! They’re not going to do work until AFTER they know they have a full-time job working for you. Don’t give them a test task. Give them a job. Tell them the first month is a probationary period.
5. Expect Immediate Results
This is a long-term proposal here. I’ve been doing it for 4 years. You’re not going to see the same results in 4 days. Don’t expect it.6. Search and Search and Search For The Right Person, Then Email Them
Hey John, I searched for 3 days and I found the perfect candidate. They can do everything you said wasn’t possible back up in #1 on this blog post. Why won’t they respond to me?Why? Because they already have a job and they’re loyal to their current employer. Instead of trying to find the perfect person up front, try contacting 20 potential fits, see who responds, then sort through them.
7. Set The Wrong Expectations
When you hire them, don’t tell them you expect them to be totally self-directed and to work without supervision and to be able to figure everything out on their own. If you do, you’ll never hear from them again. Try telling themI expect you to try to figure things out, but I understand that I’m going to give you tasks that you won’t know how to do, and sometimes there won’t be any way to figure it out. In these cases, please know that I’m here to answer your questions. I’m here to help you. Please don’t hesitate to ask me when you get stuck.Otherwise, when they don’t know how to do something they get embarrassed and will never talk to you again. If you set the right expectation with them about asking for help, they’ll ask, you’ll help, and all will be happy and good. These aren’t hard things to avoid…you just have to know about them to avoid them. There’s more good stuff like this as a member of ReplaceMyself.com.
Author: John Jonas Article Reference: http://www.jonasblog.com/7-ways-to-fail-when-outsourcing-to-the-philippines
Everyday Brown-out ordered by Politicians from Above
Posted: 3 Mar 2010, 10:22am - Wednesday