Visual C# .Net and rsync
Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 1:40am - WednesdayToday, I was wondering if possible to use rsync in Visual C# .Net. After couple of searches, I finally got my answer and working sample project.
I would like to share my Visual C# .Net source code project since I found many developers were looking for a working sample. I am planning to create a class wrapper too and deposit it on GitHub soon.
My GitHub: https://github.com/camilord
Download: [download id="44"]

Linux: Serial Port Communication
Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 6:18am - TuesdaySince HyperTerminal was removed in Windows 7, I decided to look up on Linux tools for serial port communication and found minicom command. Here's how to install & use it (in my case I used Linux Mint):
# apt-get install minicomThen after installation, cast a command:
# minicom -s +-----[configuration]------+ | Filenames and paths | | File transfer protocols | | Serial port setup | | Modem and dialing | | Screen and keyboard | | Save setup as dfl | | Save setup as.. | | Exit | | Exit from Minicom | +--------------------------+Then you have to setup the serial port,
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | A - Serial Device : /dev/ttyUSB0 | | B - Lockfile Location : /var/lock | | C - Callin Program : | | D - Callout Program : | | E - Bps/Par/Bits : 9600 8N1 | | F - Hardware Flow Control : Yes | | G - Software Flow Control : No | | | | Change which setting? | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+So in my case, I used USB to Serial connector, so I set Serial Device to ttyUSB0 After that, go to Exit and you'll be connected to the device you want to connect like Cisco routers/switch.
Adding new packages in Cygwin
Posted: 23 Nov 2012, 12:04pm - FridayI've been playing around with Cygwin after 7 years. I check on the new stuffs and it has been change a lot.
One thing I puzzled about was how to add new commands aside from default cygwin installation. So here it is;
setup.exe -q -P wget,tar,qawk,bzip2,subversion,vimSo you will use the setup.exe of cygwin that you downloaded. Then install the commands that what you need. --=[ update as of 09 Dec 2014 ]=-- Below is the command to update all components:
cd C:\cygwin64\ wget -N http://cygwin.com/setup.exe setup.exe --no-desktop --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --quiet-mode