Manage Apache Download Speed and Traffic Limits
Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 22:36pm - Wednesday

I've been experimenting on how I can limit the download speed via Apache configuration. This method is good for file-sharing website and for hosting servers. In my case, I am using Centos 5.5 and Apache 2.2.3 + mod_cband So, here's what you will do... Assume you already installed the Apache.

  1. Install Apache Development libraries by casting "yum -y install apache-devel"
  2. Download "mod_cband" from or direct download link at
Follow steps (must be root mode)...
cd ~
tar xzvf mod-cband-
cd mod-cband-
make install
To check if successfully installed, type just like below and must have same result:
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | grep
LoadModule cband_module       /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
Then add the code below at httpd.conf then save and restart apache.
CBandScoreFlushPeriod 1
CBandRandomPulse On
Next is add a "scoreboard"
mkdir /var/www/scoreboard
chown apache:apache /var/www/scoreboard/
Final steps is create an vhost entry at /etc/httpd/conf.d just like this (in my case, I created as my vhost);
[root@localhost conf.d]# cat
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /home/
    CBandSpeed 1024 10 30
    CBandRemoteSpeed 50kb/s 3 3
    CBandLimit 500M
    CBandExceededSpeed 128 5 15
    CBandScoreboard /var/www/scoreboard
    CBandPeriod 4W

    <Location /cband-status>
      SetHandler cband-status
    <Location /cband-status-me>
      SetHandler cband-status-me

    ErrorLog logs/
    CustomLog logs/ common

[root@localhost conf.d]#
After you created the vhost file, restart your apache. You can check the status of certain vhost by accessing the URL: or another status URL: Further Explanation:
  1. CBandSpeed 1024 10 30 -- Overall apache performance. Max bandwidth speed is 1024bits per secs. 10 requests per secs. 30 max connections
  2. CBandRemoteSpeed 50kb/s 3 3 -- Individual apache performance. Max bandwidth speed is 50kb/s, max 3 requests/s and max 3 connections
  3. CBandLimit 500M -- 500MB max bandwidth limit
  4. CBandExceededSpeed 128 5 15 -- Bandwidth speed limit at 128kbps, 5 request/s and max of 15 connections
  5. CBandScoreboard /var/www/scoreboard -- scoreboard location
  6. CBandPeriod 4W - time to refresh
  7. CBandExceededURL -- if bandwidth exceeded, redirect to the specified URL.
You can use the following units in the mod_cband directives:

Transfer speeds:

    kbps: 1024 bits per second
    Mbps: 1024*1024 bits per second
    Gbps: 1024*1024*1024 bits per second
    The default is kbps.

Transfer quotas:

    K: 1000 bytes
    M: 1000*1000 bytes
    G: 1000*1000*1000 bytes
    Ki: 1024 bytes
    Mi: 1024*1024 bytes
    Gi: 1024*1024*1024 bytes
    The default is K.

Time periods:

    S: seconds
    M: minutes
    H: hours
    D: days
    W: weeks
    The default is S.
Reference: Download mod_cband file: