The letter that change the history of warfare
Posted: 8 Apr 2009, 4:42am - Wednesday

When I watched Discovery channel about the Atomic Bomb dropped in Hiroshima which some of the scene have been cut. I continue watch in Youtube and read some articles. A review of history 101. Hehehe.. :D Somehow, I found the letter of Albert Einstein about the creation of the Atomic bomb using Uranium-235 and was introduce to President Roosevelt in US. The letter shown below...

[singlepic id=91 w=452 h=552 float=center]

[singlepic id=92 w=452 h=552 float=center]

My Opinion: It was such a destruction but I believe if the U.S. didn't stop such war against Japan, more and more lives will be taken from that war. Not to mention here in the Philippines, Japanese rapes Filipinas and Filipinos killed by torture. Because of that, Japanese learn about their mistake attacking Pearl Harbor. Reference: