HowTo: Blueberry Cheesecake
Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 22:30pm - Friday
I'm not into baking, cooking or something but I just learn this by watching my friends, Kyna Mori Flores and Cherry Oh, making this thing. Hehehe.. :) Because its yummy, so I tried to make one at home by my self. So far, I did it! Horay! :D
- 1 crushed graham pack (crust)
- 1/4 cup of butter (crust)
- 2 tease spoon of sugar (crust)
- 2 all purpose cream
- 2 knox gelatin
- 1 blueberry can (you can use smackers brand)
- 2 cream cheese
- 1/4 cup of sugar
- Crust: Pour the crushed graham and the 2 tease spoon of sugar into the bowl and mixed it. While mixing, melt the butter also (you can use your Microwave). Then pour the melted butter into the bowl and mixed them together until the all properly mixed. :)
- Using the cheesecake pan, floor the crust into the pan and level it properly or evenly.
- Get a new big bowl for the cheesecake procedure. Put the 2 all purpose cream, 2 cream cheese, and 1/4 cup of sugar into the big bowl. Then mix it with a mixer.
- While mixing the step 3, get a cup and pour some water and warm it. Enough warm to melt the gelatin. Then pour the 2 knox gelatin into the cup and mix it well. Remember, mix it well. :P
- As the gelatin is ready, pour it into the big bowl with the cheesecake. Mix it properly as well. Be sure everything is mixed properly.
- Pour slowly the cheesecake from the bowl to the cheesecake pan (where the crust is already set). Then refrigerate it within 36 hours (enough to freeze the gelatin).
- After 36 hours, remove the cheesecake from the pan to a cheesecake tray then place the blueberries as toppings.
- Refrigerate it again about 8 hours. Then that's it... Yummy blueberry cheesecake is ready to serve.. :)